Fundraising of the Rak’n’Roll Foundation
Fundraising of the Rak’n’Roll Foundation
Escaped the war but still have to fight with cancer
For 12 years Rak’n’Roll foundation has been helping cancer patients to go through the disease. To be treated with dignity, to live happily despite disease. We are the most popular oncological foundation in Poland. Now we are facing a strong need to help our neighbours, who suffer both from war and cancer. They crossed the Polish border with their cancer. They fled the war but not the disease. They arrived to us just in what they had on them, with a single bag. They brought nothing or hardly anything. Without our help they’re unable to continue their therapy, which is their chance.
Putin/Cancer - їдете на хуй!
Rak’n’Roll’s help in 2021
They crossed the Polish border with their cancer. They fled the war but not the disease. They arrived to us in what they had on them, with a single bag. They brought nothing or hardly anything. Without our help they’re unable to continue their therapy, which is their chance.
Collected money will be used i.a. for urgent financing of treatment (the first month of therapy in Poland), assistance in covering the costs of nursing care, rehabilitation, transport, translation of medical records, support in raising money for further treatment, psychological and psycho-oncological support. We will respond to the emerging needs of patients.
It is hard to estimate. Every day more and more refugees from Ukraine cross the Polish border. Among them there are cancer patients, who had to stop their treatment while fleeing the war. We want to be sure that we will be able to help everyone who comes to us.
Sure. Non-Polish residents can donate via the web-site, via international payment system PayPal or directly to the blue and yellow account PL57 1600 1462 1893 9704 1000 0162, BIC/SWIFT, PPABPLPK.
Yes. Every transaction via PayPal and PayU is secured by an advanced encryption technology. All sensitive data, including payment card details are treated with the highest standards of security.
Yes. We have created a special blue and yellow account. Donations to Ukrainian cancer patients can be made to the following account:57 1600 1462 1893 9704 1000 0162. Foreign currency and international transfers account: PL57 1600 1462 1893 9704 1000 0162, BIC/SWIFT, PPABPLPK.
Questions concerning donations to cancer y patients from Ukraine may be directed to the following e-mail address:
If you are a refugee and cancer patient from Ukraine or you know such person, write to us at: We will help! 
“Rak’n’Roll Foundation. Win your life!” for 12 years has been helping patients to overcome cancer: to be treated with dignity, live well and with joy. We create programs, which answer both system vulnerabilities and the needs of patients and their families. We speak about cancer matter-of-factly and openly, we break taboos and make people aware. We have managed to create a new quality of speaking about illness in public space. Facing the growing scale of the problem, we make life difficult for cancer. We act for healthy choices, behaviours and surround ourselves with care every day.